........ the VoiceMaestro's Disclaimer Statement .....

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    All information in this site is for general educational purposes only. No medical or individualized professional advice is to be inferred from this information. The VoiceMaestro, Stan Yoder, and the Stan Yoder Voice Studio claim no responsibility for abuse, misuse or misunderstanding of this information. You accept full responsibility for your state of mind, body and health and for the actions you take as a result of the information provided herein. If you understand and agree, please proceed and enjoy.

Call the VoiceMaestro if you'd like individual help. 817.498-6454. His rates are reasonable. He loves helping!

Stan Yoder Voice Studio
Where you bloom, grow your voice and love it!
Haltom City, Texas

Disclaimer: All information in this site is for general educational purposes only. No medical or individualized professional advice is to be inferred from this information. The VoiceMaestro, Stan Yoder, and the Stan Yoder Voice Studio claim no responsibility for abuse, misuse or misunderstanding of this information. You accept full responsibility for your state of mind, body and health and for the actions you take as a result of the information provided herein. If you understand and agree, please proceed and enjoy.
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